When carrying out the functions of a crowd controller, a licensed crowd controller must—
- Take reasonable steps to keep order at or about the public place at which the crowd controller is acting as a crowd controller;
- If the crowd controller is engaged to do so, carefully monitor or control, or monitor and control the behavior of patrons at the public place so that problem behavior can be detected early.
- if there is problem behavior at the public place, act swiftly to protect the health and safety of all patrons at the public place, including patrons who may need to be removed because of their problem behavior
- Take reasonable steps to prevent violence happening;
- greet visitors to the public place in a friendly and courteous way; and
- Use moderate language when dealing with staff associated with the public place or with members of the public
- Not encourage another person to commit an assault; and
- Not solicit, or accept, a bribe
- not act in a way that is discreditable to— (i) if the crowd controller is an employee—the crowd controller’s employer; or (ii) the security provider industry
- Act fairly